Saturday 19 April 2008

Ahoy the Karate Monkey

With a bit of spare time on my hands due to the flu I decided to give the Karate Monkey a good clean and service - plus add a few pirate stickers. I'll be back on the bike next week or I am going to die. I mentioned to someone at work this week that I was going crazy because I had been sick and unable to ride for a week. He said he hadn't been on the bike much - only three times this year - I felt for him but could not understand how you could let this happen.


  1. should know something about the Monkey. The frame first belonged to ANDREW BELL, and I bought it off him and added all the parts....and now its yours.

    Thats some history. The bike you rode, helped bellie get the green and gold jersey..

  2. Wow - now that is a great pedigree - I feel like the weakest link in the chain :)

  3. Going to link your blog to Bellie....stay tuned!!!

  4. Hey Wessy, great to see the old Monkey is in great hands. It took Rhino many months of pestering to get me to sell it to him and I regretted doing so for a long time after. It took me a while (about two years) but I finally have a replacement for the old girl, a 2007 Kona Unit 29. Riding this bike brings back great memories of the Monkey and not to mention the pain of riding rigid ss with a large bunch of elite riders on fully suspended race rigs. I put this down to a great training session.

    Enjoy the ride.

